Дженнифер Энистон и ее муж устраивают скандалы из-за их соседа
Hollywood actors Jennifer aniston and Justin Theroux are always under the scrutiny of the paparazzi that have not let them rest on the streets, but also the neighbor, who arranges a tail on them.

Дженнифер Энистон и ее муж устраивают скандалы из-за их соседа

Because of this man between spouses often have quarrels. Jennifer doesn’t want to stay in the apartment, near which he lives, spying on them is a neighbor, Justin doesn’t understand his wife.

Дженнифер Энистон и ее муж устраивают скандалы из-за их соседа

“Jennifer hates it when her snooping. This is a big stumbling block for her and Justin,” shares the source.

Neighbor taking pictures of spouses through the glass, so they even had to go to court, accusing him of spying.

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