Джей Зи поведал о том, как же они с Бейонсе смогли сохранить брак
The popular singers Jay Z and Beyonce are growing three adorable children.

Джей Зи поведал о том, как же они с Бейонсе смогли сохранить брак

Often talking about problems between couples, especially Beyonce in her songs talked about her husband’s infidelity. In a recent interview, Jay Z said about the problems in the family.

Джей Зи поведал о том, как же они с Бейонсе смогли сохранить брак

“We’ve done the hard work, survived the difficult years of therapy. Love each other… I grew up among those who constantly told me: “Be a man! Don’t cry! Get up.” Now I want my emotions and mental strength to save the family. I want to cry, to be open in front of their families”, – told the artist.

Wife still trying to support each other, and now in full swing preparing for their joint concert tour.

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