Жасмин: «У мужа проблемы с сердцем» The first time the singer has frankly told about the life of a spouse under house arrest. According to Jasmine, Ilan Shor does not lose the power of the spirit and not give up. On the contrary, the chosen star continues to work despite the ban to leave the walls of the housing in Chisinau.

      Жасмин: «У мужа проблемы с сердцем»

      Family star is going through difficult times. Almost a year her husband Ilan Shor has no right to leave the mansion near Chisinau, using a mobile phone to chat with friends… a Man suspected of fraud, there is a consequence. Jasmine said “StarHit” about how the confinement in the four walls affected the health of Ilana and what surprises he arranges for loved ones.

      Our family was divided

      Jasmine, you live in two countries or something changed the schedule to support her husband?
      Жасмин: «У мужа проблемы с сердцем»Most of the time I’m with younger children spend in Chisinau with Ilan. Flying only on business. It seems to me, to be close, to be one and have the best support! If I’m away and there is a need to say something or to convey to the husband, contact a lawyer. There was a time when I had a lot of shots in a row, had to leave his family more than a month. Ilan was bored, asked for me And I flew 5-6 times during this time to him and the children. —
      Ilan is still the mayor of Orhei. The arrest does not prevent him to perform his duties?
      Жасмин: «У мужа проблемы с сердцем»The husband solves all the problems and emerging issues regarding the needs of citizens, improvement, and constantly generates new ideas and embodies them in life. He had no time to get bored. Just recently was implemented, his initiative – social shop for seniors. Another idea – entertainment evenings, organized in the clubs for the older generation. Interesting and useful thoughts from it a lot! Well, in between Affairs, he plays sports, watches, reads. —
      Children probably don’t understand why dad can’t leave the house. Than Ilan likes them to do?
      Жасмин: «У мужа проблемы с сердцем»If I go away for a couple days, Rita and Myron of course remain with his father. Margaret we have a versatile child, she was interested to learn – is incredibly curious and diligent. Loves when dad reads with her books, drawing pictures or just playing. She will only give, she’ll find a job! Daughter loves to chat with Ilan and asked him about everything. And her husband like to know how was the day his little Princess what she was doing in kindergarten, what did you learn. Margaret is always happy when we gather together in the living room: it immediately appears public, in front of which you can boast of achievements. She says poems or shows new dance moves, singing songs in English or something recites. The actress is growing! And daughter is important to assess those she loves and respects, especially that of the Pope.

      25 APR Myron will be a year. What my son has progress?
      Жасмин: «У мужа проблемы с сердцем»Really looking forward to when Myron starts to walk, it must be about to happen. He stands confidently on his feet, albeit with support. If you see the ball, immediately rushes to him and tries to leg kick. And yet we grew four tooth, and now we’re biting everything that comes their way. Bite and laugh. Called the son “risunochek”. Naughty it rarely, only when wants to sleep. Myron the period of active cognition of the world. He likes to listen to fairy tales, and it seems that everyone understands, is focused. Partial to cars and loves to play them with my dad. Margaret at five years, gave a machine in which the child can sit down and an adult with the help of radio rolls. So here is a favorite activity at Myron with Ilan!
      Жасмин: «У мужа проблемы с сердцем»
      And who is helping you and your spouse in the upbringing of children?
      Жасмин: «У мужа проблемы с сердцем»We have a proven and reliable person. The sitter (she, by the way, with a medical background) I trust as yourself! And then there’s the assistant, she takes Marguerite in the garden and all sorts of activities, clubs. —
      How do you spend your time when you are going home with the whole family?
      Жасмин: «У мужа проблемы с сердцем»Share impressions, play intellectual games or watch movies, and sometimes cartoons. Choose the mood: it could be some loud news, and the good old Comedy or romance. Don’t even know how many times our family looked Margaritone favorite “the little Mermaid” and “Cinderella.” As for my personal preference, I love detective and adventure series. From the latest “Game of thrones”, “the Mentalist”, “Lie to me”, “breaking bad”. I understand that only the eldest son. When you can’t agree what to watch, are divided into groups: Misha included Thriller, and Ilan Margarita – cartoons.—
      Michael is a student at MGIMO, lives in Moscow. Often come home?
      Жасмин: «У мужа проблемы с сердцем» As soon as the holidays come, immediately flying to Chisinau. That’s when our family night with spiritual conversations over tea and discussions of everything in the world can move smoothly in the early morning and end with a Cup of strong coffee. Michael and Ilan are best friends. Sometimes, a son comes to him for a weekend just to consult on some issues, to share ideas. Since then, mom’s not dedicated to purely male Affairs.
      Жасмин: «У мужа проблемы с сердцем»

      Husband is no slouch

      And love to cook for the family?
      Жасмин: «У мужа проблемы с сердцем»Every time when I return home, Ilan asks to make something tasty. Occasionally cook kutaby, pasties or miracle. Husband loves them, Margaret way, too. Misha loves my lentil soup. Of the last meals I cooked for the family – soup, rice and dumplings (kangaroo) with chicken and toppings of nuts and dried apricots. The dumplings I did the first time, my husband liked it, asked to soon repeat.—
      You are together for seven years. How do maintain the passion in a relationship?
      Жасмин: «У мужа проблемы с сердцем»Ilan incredible romantic, he remembers all the important dates, likes to surprise, to delight. I try to fit in. I do think that we are continuing the honeymoon period. When you go with children in return we are waiting for the flowers, balloons and a loving husband and dad. As for the children, Margaret had already learned from dad the ropes. She is not waiting for surprises, and in advance says, what she wanted for a birthday. – It is hard for anyone to spend so much time within four walls. —
      Happen with husband’s depression?
      Жасмин: «У мужа проблемы с сердцем»Ilan is strong, wise, he is an optimist and a fighter in life, cannot afford the luxury of getting depressed, discouraged or give up. Because millions of people believe in his innocence. This is not to say that the current situation is given to her husband easily. He is confident in his truth and know that it will be proven.

      Heard during the brief arrest last summer, he had to seek medical help. Now this happens?
      Жасмин: «У мужа проблемы с сердцем»Several years ago my husband learned that he has heart problems. Then he took a course of treatment, and after that, we were constantly observed by a cardiologist. In connection with all the latest developments heart again beginning to falter. I am extremely worried and worried about this, I hope, in a short time staging this theatre over and will be proven innocent Ilana, and the criminals will be held accountable.—
      Did you have to change something in the house to the spouse it was easier to work with?
      Yes, made the room a big study for Ilana, equipped it with appliances, expanded library, put the equipment for sports. Even Ilan loves lately to kindle fire, watch the fire and work under the crackling of the logs, it calms him and soothes. Earlier this fireplace we almost never used… But things change.