Джеймс МакЭвой в трейлере фильма «Сплит» перевоплощается в маньяка с 23-мя личностями

Britain’s James McAvoy has agreed to participate in the project, where he got a very unusual role, or rather roles. The actor had to transform into human-maniac, in the consciousness that there are 23! different personalities.

Hero name’s Kevin McAvoy. A guy once kidnapped a few girls, but the horror of the situation for them begins when consciousness Kevin possess different personalities, as the girls that a middle-aged woman, a little boy.

It is worth saying that most of the minds of Kevin’s harmless, but from time to time manifested a maniac, which he dictates completely different rules of the game.

Note that people with such mental disabilities are not fiction writers. He really existed and did their dirty deeds.

The Director of the Thriller was made by M. night Shyamalan, who directed the earlier “Sixth sense,” “the Visit” and “Signs”. The film also involved brad William Henke, Anya Taylor-joy, Haley Lu Richardson, sterling K. brown, and other actors.

The world premiere will take place on 20 January 2017.


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