Ирина Дубцова вынуждена прятаться с сыном на Багамах
The singer shared the reason for her departure from the country.

Which year in a row Irina
Dubtsova falls right in the middle of the school year to take a son Artyom from his native
of the country. At the onset of spring, the singer is forced in a hurry to pack up and look for
where to difficult for her ten year old son’s period. And the reason for this heavy…
Allergy is the son of Irene to the flowering of certain trees, which manifests itself
Artem is in the form of spasms in the bronchi.

This year’s venue
salvation from pollen to family Dubtsova became the Bahamas. Irina shares in his
microblog bright summer photo.

Ирина Дубцова вынуждена прятаться с сыном на Багамах

Irina Dubtsova and son Artem

Photo: @Instagram Irina Dubtsova dubtsova_official

Ирина Дубцова вынуждена прятаться с сыном на Багамах

Artem, the son of Irina Dubtsova

Photo: @Instagram Irina Dubtsova dubtsova_official

By the way, before travelling to the Islands, Artem along with her mother traveled to the cities of America, where Dubtsova went to work. Of course, in the busy schedule, the singer managed to find a small window and she took him on a tour of Universal studios and Disneyland.

Irina Dubtsova and son Artem

Photo: @Instagram Irina Dubtsova dubtsova_official

Incidentally, despite a long break in attendance at school, goes to son of Irina, the boy does not interrupt the training for a single day. At the time of their vacation Artem goes to home education. Thus, on arrival in Russia, the boy is already a year, it is possible to write a final paper for one of the five. “Yes, my child is studying in school, loves to learn and the third year finishes with honors, earning a creditable sheets and letters. I am proud of my son. Artem has time to exercise, additionally with a teacher from England English, attends piano lessons and your favorite scooter never forgets!” — boasted of his son’s success Irina.

We will remind that recently during a concert at Dubtsova had an attack of allergies. She was urgently hospitalized. The doctors were able to help the singer and she was able to return to his touring tour.

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