Ирена Понарошку отрицает, что заболела анорексией на фоне вегетарианства
Consequences of a special diet on the appearance of the presenter?

Irena Ponaroshku

Photo: @irenaponaroshku Instagram Irena Ponaroshku

Attentive fans replace Irena Ponaroshku grandmother that wanted to “fatten” her granddaughter. Recently the presenter made comments about her figure: the fans reckon the star is on the verge of anorexia. “Urgent need to gain five pounds!” — advised subscribers for Fun. They tied up the painful appearance of Irena… vegetarianism. Supposedly, this is due to the lack of meat in the diet leading lost weight.

Irena gave a detailed answer to all who are worried about her “unhealthy thinness”. According to her, vegetarianism has no connection with anorexia. “Do I look skinny just because skinny extremities — hands, wrists, shins, calves and ankles. They rolls are not delayed, and inflate them to lived and protruding veins I’m not ready. Vegetarians are as dry and lean, so chubby and soft, the rejection of animal products does not equal the right habits, a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle,” he assured make-believe.

Her menu for the day is not a diet: Irena eating sweets (cakes and pastries), pasta, pizza and pastries. While it saves weight in the range of 53 pounds. This helps sports: yoga and outdoor games with child. Make-believe appealed to fans to continue to render it dangerous diseases. “Right now, I eat to your health with delicious home-Napoleon, who, after accusations of anorexia are particularly well-comes!” she joked.