Ирена Понарошку проверила продукты на нитраты
The presenter conducted test purchases in the market.

Irene Alexander was shocked by the amount of nitrates in the products

Irena Ponaroshku with her husband Alexander decided to check
the products we daily consume. The presenter is armed
the nitrate, bought on the market the most popular fruits and vegetables and conducted an experiment
in the kitchen, as the recognition of Irena, it was not willing to find out
relationship with sellers. As it turned out, most of the products just can’t eat.

Tonight role-playing game with vegetables! ? Starring Woman-Radish and Onion Man (who undresses him, he sheds tears)! ? Played with a nitrate-tester @nonitrato_greentest ? Was eventually rejected all the strawberries, carrots, cabbage, peaches ? With cucumbers, broccoli, potatoes, apples, pears, all went well! But cherries, avocados and apricots in the menu of the strategy tester is not found, what a shame ? Although there are all the way up to mangostine… ????? Generally, of course, they had to go to the market/in the store and check everything BEFORE purchase. But I’m too shy and no desire to sort things out with the sellers… So check all the houses. Someone else uses one of these? Tried to go with them to the market? How responsive sellers? ? #missspelling #ovoschebazah #vegetarianism #nonitrato_greentest #Starovoitova #durnovaria #johnwilson

A video posted by Irena Ponaroshku (@irenaponaroshku) on Jun 23, 2016 at 3:46 am PDT

“Played with a nitrate-tester — said Irena. In the end
was rejected all the strawberries, carrots, cabbage, peaches. With cucumbers, broccoli,
potatoes, apples, pears, all went well! But cherries, avocado and
apricots in the menu of the strategy tester is not found, what a shame. Generally, of course, it must
walk to market, shop and check everything before purchase. But I’m too shy and not
hunting to sort things out with the sellers, so check all the houses.”

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