В Москве погиб 20-летний гроссмейстер Юрий Елисеев The young man fell from the twelfth floor. On the death of the former champion of Russia on chess told his friend in one of social networks. It is known that Yury Eliseev was fond of parkour and always looking for thrills.

    В Москве погиб 20-летний гроссмейстер Юрий Елисеев

    A few hours ago was tragically cut short the life of a young grandmaster, former champion of Russia on chess Yuri Yeliseyev. 20-year-old boy fell off a balcony on the twelfth floor of one of the houses where they were doing parkour. The young man was fond of such extreme activity for a long time, and on the pages of friends Eliseeva in social networks appeared pictures, looking at that, perhaps, any breathtaking. About what happened in the last minutes of the tournament, said his companion in a social network.

    “Tonight we tragically lost a close friend of mine, a brilliant chess player and analyst, one of the most talented people I know Yuri Eliseev, said Daniil Dubov on the page “Vkontakte”. He tried to climb out the window to the balcony on the twelfth floor, but failed. I have a lot to write, but not now.”

    Apparently, after some time a friend of the deceased chess champion, will open the unknown circumstances of his death. Neighbors Yury Eliseev in conversation with journalists stressed that he had regularly seen a young man hanging on the balconies of the house, this is especially true in the summer.

    The post Daniil Dubov instantly gathered a lot of reposts and comments. Friends of young men could not believe what happened. The death of a talented chess player, which happened by accident, has shocked his entourage.

    “My condolences, it is impossible to believe, – wrote one of the users of the social network. – A couple of years ago, played with it… a Few days ago I listened to his comments to the match… the Horror.”

    Not left behind and friends Eliseeva who leave comments on his page. Under the image, in which Yuri is captured in the time of the next maneuver, the people write that they regret the incident. “Cersuta heaven… Sorry for the kid. Condolences to the family”, “What for it on the balcony climb? Can someone explain to me?”, “Loved the height,” spoke the comrades of the deceased champion.

    By the way, this picture was published Eliseeva familiar even the first of September. Then the young man joked that it was time to stop his hack. On the page of the guy of such images did not appear. Among the photographs in his albums can be detected frames with a memorable tournament for him.