Кто во что горазд: куда поступают дети Ковальчук, Лепса и Навки “StarHit” learned what universities chose the heir to the stars. Sasha Zhulin chose the faculty of Economics, as the son of Anna Mikhalkova Andrew. Now students are preparing for the forthcoming exams.
Кто во что горазд: куда поступают дети Ковальчук, Лепса и Навки

Even just a month, and for millions of young Russians will sound the last bell. This year the school is finished and the heirs of celebrities. Externally the last year of the studied 16-year-old daughter of Grigory Leps eve. She will enter the faculty of journalism of one of the leading universities in the country and is actively preparing to pass the exam in Russian language and literature. Almost all the time he spends reading books.

Кто во что горазд: куда поступают дети Ковальчук, Лепса и Навки

Humanitarian direction is chosen and the heiress of the stars of the series “Secrecy of the investigation” Anna Kovalchuk gold. She decided to continue training in St. Petersburg, not to leave my friends.

“My dream is to become a student of the St. Petersburg branch of the Higher school of Economics – says the “StarHit” 17-year-old Zlata. – Worried about exam results, because the future depends on them. Consider several of the faculties of Philology, foreign languages and journalism. Already forgotten what it’s like to have fun with friends. Sit all day behind books!”
Кто во что горазд: куда поступают дети Ковальчук, Лепса и Навки

The economy consider multiple stellar graduates. Son of Anna Mikhalkova Andrew plans to apply to three universities – MGIMO, Moscow state University and higher school of Economics. If you do that first, his classmates will surely be the daughter of Tatiana Navka and Alexander the son of the singer and the leading “House-2” Olga Orlova, Artem.

“Sasha did this choice, and I support – shared the Post with “StarHit”. She was engaged, prepared, feels confident, so my daughter should be okay!”
Кто во что горазд: куда поступают дети Ковальчук, Лепса и Навки

But the heir to the host of the show “At loggerheads” with “Friday.” Konstantin Ivlev, 17-year-old Matthew, is finishing English school in Moscow. A young person wants to try their hand abroad.

“The son will be auditioning for the faculty of hotel and restaurant management in Istanbul, – has shared with “StarHit” Konstantin Ivlev. – They have the best teachers, which will help us become professional in this field. By the way, the tuition for foreigners in the largest city of Turkey is cheaper than for the locals. In the Dorm Matthew did not want to live, asked me to get him a Studio to be able to have fun. Girls and rock-n-roll all we like. He was so!”