В Канне случилось очередное чудо — комедийному актеру Адаму Сэндлеру прочат «Золотую Пальмовую ветвь!»
Role in the festival film brought an American actor recognition from the critics, who themselves don’t believe it.

В Канне случилось очередное чудо — комедийному актеру Адаму Сэндлеру прочат «Золотую Пальмовую ветвь!»

Adam Sandler


Adam Sandler, the famous American comedian and producer, unexpectedly and himself became a star of art-house cinema! Adam welcomed a five-minute ovation at the premiere of the competition film by young American Director Noah, Baumbach (compare with woody Allen). And this despite the fact that the partners of Sandler in the film was Dustin Hoffman, Ben Stiller and Emma Thompson. Critics still openly expressed disregard for the talents of the actor are now forced to admit that Sandler may well get a “Palm” for the best male role!

Adam always acted in comedies, which he himself produces. He is the type of Hollywood stars who know everything, but treat him seriously as actors. Although the films featuring Sandler and his friends-colleagues always have excellent cash. Rating critics the floor, and hits a great many, including on the Internet. A 50-year-old veteran unassuming comedies are known for their dedication not only to friends but also his family — his wife and children.

Well, we can only be happy for the actor. They say he’s very kind and good man. In the festival film Sandler plays one of the sons of the artist, the lover of women, a lot of times married (played by Dustin Hoffman, and the younger brother of the hero of Sandler Ben Stiller). In this family no one no one wants, and everything was falling apart, yet seriously ill father. His adult children suddenly begin to forgive him and each other. And gradually get rid of anger and hatred that had been accumulating in them from childhood.

A scene from the movie “the Story of a family of Mirovic”

Photo: OutNow