В Сети появилась сенсационная версия ухода Бориса Корчевникова из «Прямого эфира»
Insiders hinted at the disability of the presenter.

Boris Korchevnikov

Photo: @b.Boris korchevnikov Instagram Korchevnikov

Today in the media there is a disturbing version of why Boris korchevnikov still gave way to the presenter of the program “live” Andrei Malakhov. Reportedly, the dismissal Korchevnikov could be linked to serious health problems. According to available information, the insider, the result of a brain tumor, Boris almost completely lost his hearing. Because of this, he had serious difficulties during the filming of the program.

“During the exacerbation of his brain tumor Boris almost deaf, and had to listen to the commands of the Director and producer that during the filming of the program sound in the ear monitor – quoted insider Dni.ru. – Then Boris himself was going to leave because of illness, but did not let go. He’s better now, as they say”.

Boris the rumors of his illness has not commented. Only once he admitted during the broadcast that he was diagnosed with a brain tumor, fortunately, benign. He had surgery and since korchevnikov never complained to the press to poor health. It is possible that the rumors about his partial deafness can be true.

We will remind that not so long ago korchevnikov got another job — he led the Orthodox TV channel “Spas”. Korchevnikov path to faith was a long one. “I always knew the Church. And God has not always believed. But, obviously, it is necessary to live. To live himself without God. To learn It once, never want to go back. In the wild the nonsense and poverty, which seemed to be even delightful, happy, successful and in love at times, in color!” — recently told Boris.