«Мне надоели все эти глупости»: самые яркие испытания Илоны Новоселовой на «Битве экстрасенсов» On Tuesday, June 12, fans of mystery show shocked sad event. Ilona Novoselova, finalist of the seventh season, fell out of the window of the house in Moscow. “StarHit” recalls editions of the popular project involving eccentric brunette.
«Мне надоели все эти глупости»: самые яркие испытания Илоны Новоселовой на «Битве экстрасенсов»

Today in Moscow was tragically killed 29-year-old star of “the battle of psychics” Ilona Novoselova. A young woman fell out of a window after a quarrel with her boyfriend. Arrived at the scene, medical professionals pronounced him dead Novoselova. Native medium shocked by her sudden departure from life. Many viewers expressed condolences to the relatives of Novoselova. They can’t believe she died so early.

The star of “the battle of psychics” Ilona Novoselova found dead in Moscow

Currently, the causes of death Novoselova versed law enforcement officers. They find out all the circumstances of the incident and interrogating loved ones participants a mystical show.

Fans of one of the most revered psychics, famous all over the country, dedicating her social media posts. They learned about novoselovoy thanks to the TV show, and then recorded to her office. “StarHit” recalls the brightest moments involving eccentric brunette from “the battle of psychics”.

What life was like Ilona Novoselova: scandals, kidnapping, the rumors of a sex change

«Мне надоели все эти глупости»: самые яркие испытания Илоны Новоселовой на «Битве экстрасенсов»


First name Ilona Novoselova viewer heard in 2008 when were still only the sixth season of “Battle of psychics”. The appearance of a girl can be considered really outstanding, because it was the first of the contenders to participate in the project, who managed to prove themselves in the qualifying test, where you had to find a man in the trunk of the car. A traditional stage show is often very difficult even for experienced psychics, but it Ilona showed significant results and managed to surprise the experts-sceptics.

Ilona Novoselova predicted his own death

In conversation with Sergey Safronov Novoselova once said that she has a strong connection with the dead, and she constantly hears the voices of the dead. This gift, as stated by the girl, her childhood. “I was young, I saw my grandmother, she tried to open the door,” he told Ilona about his first experience of connection with the world of the dead.

«Мне надоели все эти глупости»: самые яркие испытания Илоны Новоселовой на «Битве экстрасенсов»

Among the 32 of the cars she had to find the one which hid the man. Experts Safronov, who controlled the passage of the test, was literally speechless when calling the dark forces, Novoselov were greeted by a black cat who suddenly appeared at a closed Park.

“Before the appearance of a black cat it wasn’t so bad. But now I become myself somehow feel uncomfortable in this place,” said one of the brothers Safronov.

Contrary to the expectations of the crew, with the task of Ilona then and failed — she chose the wrong car, ignoring the signs that she was fed animal. Despite this, Novoselova managed to impress the judges because they saw with their eyes that her method of communication with the spirit world gave a certain effect. Participant in the sixth season of “Battle of psychics” the infamous she did not, but remembered by the viewers.

«Мне надоели все эти глупости»: самые яркие испытания Илоны Новоселовой на «Битве экстрасенсов»


From the first series of the seventh season of clairvoyant was able to differ – she amazed the viewers with their extraordinary abilities. Psychic managed to become one of nine contestants who passed the qualifying round.

In the second series Ilona managed to surprise a crowd of people on the Arbat. Amazed witnesses of the test psychic didn’t want to let her go and ask the psychic your questions. Of those wishing to communicate with Ilona lined up a long queue. Novoselova willing to help a random passer-by and advise them on various issues. In the same issue, the brunette was involved in the investigation of the death of actor Alexander dedjushko. Unfortunately for fans of Ilona, she’s not coped with the task.

“I feel distrust when people are skeptical. He looked at me like a boa constrictor on the rabbit” – with these words the woman explained their failure.
«Мне надоели все эти глупости»: самые яркие испытания Илоны Новоселовой на «Битве экстрасенсов»

In the third edition Novoselova again poorly made, not guessing the pregnant woman. According to Ilona, her someone was hurt. But the clairvoyant managed to score in the second part of the program. She managed to partially cope with the task, but Novoselova upset, believing that are unable to pass the test.

“I don’t want to participate, I want to go home. I’m tired of all this nonsense,” said the concerned medium, barely holding back tears.
«Мне надоели все эти глупости»: самые яркие испытания Илоны Новоселовой на «Битве экстрасенсов»

In the fourth series Ilona had to recognize the owner of the apartment, which was actress Natalia Krachkovskaya. “A famous man, artistic taste, her show on TV. I see a man, he has black hair… On the maps popped up the death. I see a dead man, his bald, black eyebrows. His name is Vladimir”, – said the psychic. In turn, the artist confirmed that heavily experienced the loss of her beloved husband. “Yeah, she even guessed the name,” said emphasised.

«Мне надоели все эти глупости»: самые яркие испытания Илоны Новоселовой на «Битве экстрасенсов»

According to the results of the fifth edition of the clairvoyant recognized best among the participants of the show. In this series, Ilona had to determine the owner of the passport – then the guest star is singer Diana Gurtskaya. “Eyes plastered on the picture, they seemed to have closed. She’s kind of uptight, doesn’t like sudden movements. Next to her a man took her in his arms. He has short blond hair, he’s tall enough. A child, young boy,” said the clairvoyant. Words Novoselova struck Gorzkow and her husband. They found that Ilona really does have powers. “You have impressed” – with these words the couple turned to Novoselova.

«Мне надоели все эти глупости»: самые яркие испытания Илоны Новоселовой на «Битве экстрасенсов»

In the middle of a project Ilona repeatedly recognized as the best clairvoyant. The girl managed to pass the most difficult test, impressing the guest stars and staff of the program. Novoselova even saw clinical death which was endured by one of the heroines of the transmission. Another participant at the test with tears in her eyes thanked Ilona. “There was not a single word that would be wrong,” said the psychic, the mother of 14-year-old Oksana, falling from 40-meter height.

“The best psychic of the week was chosen unanimously,” – said in the seventh edition of a leading Mikhail Porechenkov.
«Мне надоели все эти глупости»: самые яркие испытания Илоны Новоселовой на «Битве экстрасенсов»

In another edition of the show for testing were invited Elena Berkova. The actress of films for adults at the time the records were in an interesting position, and now was expecting the birth of a baby. Write a program infamous Internet star arrived with her beloved husband at the time she was married to Ivan Bajkovym. Ilona managed to successfully cope with the task and to impress the actress and her lover.

It is also worth noting that a really strong impression on the audience made the work not a couple Berkova and Belkova, and one of those men that were also present at the filming of the TV show. Once beside him, she immediately felt the holiday atmosphere. As it turned out, the meeting with the participants of “Battle of psychics” had his birthday. Novoselov also said that he felt the energy of the disease, particularly of cancer, it turned out that the man lost his father, who has long tried to fight the disease.

«Мне надоели все эти глупости»: самые яркие испытания Илоны Новоселовой на «Битве экстрасенсов»

In the eighth issue of the seventh season of “Battle of psychics” the show had to determine under what circumstances became the owner of a watch which was given to them. With the story of a doctor named Alexei, in 2007, burned in their own home under very strange circumstances, none of the psychics was not acquainted. Once in the chair of the test, Ilona Novoselova instantly said stopped clock “associated with the deceased”.

«Мне надоели все эти глупости»: самые яркие испытания Илоны Новоселовой на «Битве экстрасенсов»

On trial with the tigers Novoselova immediately understood why the animal attacked the trainer Arthur Bagdasarova. “Energetics of the sleeve coincides with the energy of the tiger”, – explained the witch. While investigating the death of a man in the army Evgeny Novoselov noticed that the Sergeant was driven to suicide. He suffocated by gas during his service in Moscow. “Maybe she’s right that he mentally could not stand,” said one of the experts, Sergey Safronov.

«Мне надоели все эти глупости»: самые яркие испытания Илоны Новоселовой на «Битве экстрасенсов»

Closer to the final draft of the guest of the program was the singer Slava. Ilona was able to guess the details of the biography of the artist, and meet with her civil husband. “You recently lived here? As if it’s not earned, but a gift. You painted yet?” – singer said Novoselov.

However, in the eleventh edition Ilona could not pass one of the tests. Hereditary witch is asked to find the boy in a huge mansion, but she went in a completely different direction. “I don’t know, I give up. I’m tired,” nervous Novoselova, explaining that metal detectors threw her for a loop. The behavior of the clairvoyant was a mystery to the experts of the program.

In the second part of issue Novoselova has shed light on the death of a rock musician Jean Sagadeev. The psychic said that he was not alone in the apartment. “He strangled, choked,” said Ilona.

In the finale of the seventh season of the popular program Ilona Novoselova was with Bakhyt Zhumatova and Alexei Pochabova. However, the medium, struck many experts and guests, became a winner of the show. Brunette conceded first place Pochabova, who was recognized as the best.

By the way, as noted, a witch herself, she came to the project thanks to the spirits. “Someone shoved me,” – said Novoselov. According to Ilona, her abilities were obvious even in 10 years. Then the girl said that she saw dead people and could identify disease by smell. At school, the witch skipped classes, as had a presentiment of the misfortunes of the house. At the age of 12 my mother took her out of school because Ilona was hard to concentrate at school because of the manifested abilities.

“I know how to suppress the will of the people,” – said Novoselov in the entrance test, and then amazed everyone with his insight.