Игорь Крутой отреагировал на слух о завершении карьеры Ирины Аллегровой
Fans of the popular singer Irina Allegrova was alarmed to learn that she has decided to retire.

Игорь Крутой отреагировал на слух о завершении карьеры Ирины Аллегровой

Media reported that the singer has dismissed the musicians that the newly 65-year-old Irina said that all this gossip.

“Today you saw my musicians? The question is settled. They are here with me. You don’t believe everything you read on the Internet”, — said Irina after the speech in Sochi.

Composer Igor Krutoy reassured fans of the singer, stating: “Irina until you ride with tours. A person can for many years on the stage tired. Perhaps it will make some pause. Although it is very popular”.

So Allegrova just decided not to go for long tours, but a musical career until terminate is not in a hurry.

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