Муж Дарьи Пынзарь заставляет ее следить за фигурой The star has to exercise twice a day. Daria Pynzar followers complained that her husband abused her fitness. Judging from the short video, Sergei’t really give her to relax.

Darya and Sergey Pynzar considered one of the most solid and happy couples formed on the project “Dom-2”. In the account in Instagram lovers willingly publish photos and videos, which show in the company of their sons – Themes and David. In addition, spouses often share with followers microblogging interesting details of family life.

Recently, the profile ex-member of telestroke has a video where she demonstrated some exercises. The video was filmed by her lover during her workout. On account of the woman shakes her press performs a handstand and Boxing. It turned out that the initiator of this activity became Sergei himself.

“In General, my husband decided out of me, knock out. Under the watchful eye train twice a day,” – said Daria with fans.

Fans of beauty supported her in the quest for a beautiful body. They admitted that I think the figure of Daria’s perfect. But, in their opinion, no limit to perfection, so never forget about physical activity. In addition, many of the users of the social network asked the star more often to remove video tutorials training and share posts about healthy eating.

“Good Boy, Dasha! Push me! Continue in the same spirit!” “What a beauty! We can only envy your talent”, “wow! Good job! And for a long time so do?” “Wow! Positive charge!”, “I am delighted! Look at you and feel ashamed that I missed class today. Thanks for the example!” commented subscribers women its publication.

Pynzar also said that together with her husband engaged not only at home but also in the gym. Young people believe that common interests strengthen the marriage. By the way, steam and already spends a lot of time with each other. They attend social events, travel and go to parties. For example, recently the lovers to celebrate copper wedding. Sergey and Darya prefer a quiet home evening, a noisy party at the karaoke bar. Young people almost until morning, singing and dancing. Fans of celebrities was delighted with the performance the blonde popular hits. Daria Pynzar lost her husband in a karaoke bar