Муж Ксении Бородиной поделился трогательным видео с дочкой Subscribers Kurban Omarov begging him to reunite with his family. The spouse of known TV presenter is in Spain, while she brings one of them a six-month successor. The company man on vacation is actress Nastassja Samburski.

      This week “StarHit” became aware of the fact that the husband Ksenia Borodina is on holiday in Spain. Company businessman is the star of “Univer” Nastasya Samburski. This news turned the idea of many fans stellar family of the perfect marital life of their Pets.

      The public is wondering what happened between Xenia and lobster, and why he spends time with Samburski. Surrounded by Borodina “StarHit” said: “Eid recently lost one business, “Borodina-shop” and decided to capitalize on the other. Lobster was his idea to sell video of the stars to their subscribers on the Internet. Of course, he proposed it to the wife, but she refused. Then Eid came on the Nastasya Samburski, for which, apparently, money does not smell”.

      Husband Ksenia Borodina rest in Spain with Nastassja Samburski

      Being in Sunny Barcelona, lobster, apparently, longed for daughter of Theon, who stayed with her mother. Businessman edited and published in Instagram a touching video featuring his son from the first marriage of Omar and the baby, which brother long time no see. In the video, the boy first for sister, then hugging her gently on the bench.

      “I’m raising him a man and I am sure that he would always love and wait for his sister as he waited for her that day. Overcoming any obstacles in his veins flows my blood,” signed Eid.

      Video published Kurban Omarov (@zimamoscow) Jul 15 2016 8:00 PM PDT

      Interestingly, the video is accompanied by an emotional song rap artist Slovatskogo ft. Tony Tonite and smoky Mo’s called “With you”. “I’ll run from you far away. So much missed, so hurry back home. When at heart, a rope pull to a minor. I could be right now, somewhere near you”, – is spoken in the track.

      It is not surprising that these words fans of the star family perceived as a hidden appeal to Omarova Borodina. They immediately began to beg businessman get back home and reunite with his family.

      “It’s terrible that people do first, and then think of what you’ve done and start to regret”, “Children should live in a complete family”, “I’m glad! I think they will reconcile! I have never experienced. Honestly, you are a couple, Only they know what they are doing… And we can only guess,” “Touching video… So I want to see you all again together and happy”, – shared her emotions with subscribers Kurban.

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