Муж Бородиной организовал интересный проект с Настасьей Самбурской

According to several domestic media, and also directly to the words of Ksenia Borodina, the reason for her separation from her husband Kurban Omarov was his infidelity. Secular party discusses who could be the other woman in bed which turned out to be lobster. Many believe that this story was not without Alena Vodonaevoy and Nastasya Samburski.

The first such assumption does not react, and the star of “Univer” in a manner peculiar to her jokes on the subject, thus, as if to say that this can not be.

Today it became clear that some relations Samburski Omarova and still communicate.

Nastasia and Kurban create a web resource which will act as Internet media, where the stars of show business will be able to personally tell you about his secret life. Moreover, it is noted that some stars have already signed an agreement.

Press Secretary Samburski Peter Plascow in an interview said: “next week we hope to make bigger steps to run this project, now gathering a team of specialists. Business partner Nastasia – known to you people, I’m sure that “Zvezdara” good shot.” In addition, Plaskow noted that Samburski plans in the near future to act as a designer – she thinking to create a capsule collection for a famous brand, to tell about his vision of fashion and current trends.

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