Хью Грант станет отцом в пятый раз
A friend of the actor’s pregnant again.

Хью Грант станет отцом в пятый раз

Hugh Grant and Anna Eberstein


Hugh Grant, who arrived in new York as part of an advertising campaign of a new movie
his participation — “Paddington-2”,
looked so happy, as he is no longer seen. Grant really is
every reason for good cheer: as it became known, a friend of the actor
Anna Eberstein — is expecting a child. It will be
a joint is the third child of Anna and Hugh. And the size of the entire “children’s team”
The grant will reach, after the birth of a child of Eberstein, five people.

The news of the pregnancy Anna has hit the media thanks to the mother of a friend of Grant.
Suzanne Eberstein, judge and well known politician in Sweden, shared his
joy to the Stockholm newspaper Aftonbladet. She said: “I
happy! I’m gonna have another grandson or granddaughter. And it will happen
pretty soon!” However, guess that Anna was pregnant and without
this recognition. After all, when last Sunday the Grant with his girlfriend
appeared at the ceremony “Golden globes”, a noticed belly
usually superstrong girlfriend of actor noticeably rounded.

Interestingly, before the birth of their first child, daughter Tabitha, the mother of which was
in the fall of 2011 his mistress, Chinese Tinglan Hong, Hugh wasn’t going to get
children. But he suddenly liked to be a father he even started
to persuade all your friends to get posterity. “Try to make
children, I am sure you will like. I personally recommend you!” — not just talking
Hugh. And he began to act in the spirit of its own
recommendations. First, in the fall of 2012, he had son John Mungo from Anna Eberstein. Then, in the period
a brief reunion with Tinglan Hong, she managed to bring happiness to Hugh another
a son named Felix. And in December 2015, Anna gave birth to Eberstein
Grant another child, a girl. However, this time Grant and Anna chose
keep the name of his “children” in secret.

Hugh Grant and Anna Eberstein with children