Как спланировать идеальный шкаф-купе?

To place in the Cabinet was enough things the whole family, the clothes on the shelves were neat piles and not hesitated, searching for the right accessory is not delayed for a few days, you have to correctly plan its internal content. The proposed strategy, guided by which you will be able to plan your perfect wardrobe!

Как спланировать идеальный шкаф-купе?

1. Start with revision

In a perfect world of interior design specialists recommend to make a list of things you are going to store in the closet, on the basis of which to divide the design into functional parts: for clothing, for everyday and festive sets, footwear, bedding, etc. Rarely anyone on this procedure enough time and patience, so please rate the extent of the “disaster” at least for the eyes. Organize all the planned content according to your principle, and then add 20-30% to each component of the “reserve”.

Duffel audit will help you to define the dimensions of the future Cabinet. For small systems storage, it is recommended two-door design with one or two compartments inside. The best option for the family — a three door wardrobe. Models with four or more doors are not suitable for all rooms. If space allows — it’s great!

Как спланировать идеальный шкаф-купе?

2. Select “stuffing”

Most standard closets combine in filling rod and shelves. Nothing prevents you to buy an option — you can use to buy necessary items for storage: boxes, separators, etc.

However, the manufacturers offer a lot of the modern units, which are sometimes quite difficult to replace. For example, drawers, pantographs (“send” racks of clothes to the ceiling, freeing the space), obuvnitsy, basket for accessories. They’re all designed to organize the storage, to make your life easier. And a little purse. Well, think about what parts of the content you really need, and which you can refuse.

Moot point — the presence or absence of the mezzanine. For those who have a lot of seldom used things on those shelves are sorely needed. If most things are in constant operation, to stretch every day for a desired object will be obviously uncomfortable. The upper part of the Cabinet in this case, we recommend to use an additional rod with a pantograph. Optimum width of the mezzanine is 80-120 cm, However, if you plan to store enough heavy stuff, maximum width — 80 cm, otherwise you will need an additional vertical partition.

Как спланировать идеальный шкаф-купе?

3. Plan

Armed with a sheet of paper and a pen and try to illustrate the layout of the future wardrobes. Start with the high sections, where it will hang long clothes. Dresses, cloaks, coats will require 140-160 cm in height. The next step is racking short things. T-shirts, shirts, jackets is 70-80 cm Pants — up to 130 cm Under the rod with short clothes, you can include drawers or baskets.

Now width. A set of 5-10 dresses will take up to 40 cm in the closet. A dozen men’s suits — up to 100 cm Based on the volume of clothes which you were evaluated, the first item, determine a suitable width of the compartments.

Как спланировать идеальный шкаф-купе?

For daily use best suited drawers — they are better positioned at a comfortable height. Below the rollers could slip on the rails, the width of the drawer should not exceed 100 cm in high-load mechanisms will “slip” and often break down, so do not place in these compartments a lot of things. Standard height pull-out compartment 20-25 cm

In the top and bottom of closets usually have shelves. The distance between them shall be not less than 40 cm, otherwise things will be inferior to get. Where it is planned to store the overall items: travel bags and suitcases — leave the shelf height of 60-80 cm Overhead handles on the drawers inside the cabinets — a real luxury, “eat” a few inches of space. Give preference to mortise the hardware or the system of “click-open”.

As a residual spread in the design of additional systems: hangers for belts and ties, obuvnitsy (although many prefer to store shoes in boxes), special hooks for bags etc. the Perfect design in front of you! It remains only to bring it to life. Choose a responsible manufacturer who makes sliding door wardrobes, and enjoy!