Руководство парка Горького прояснило обстоятельства смерти 25-летнего блогера Eyewitnesses of the massacre by Stanislav Dominum silent about the incident. Guide Gorky Park in mid-August there was brutally beaten the young man gave the answer to the question why the guards are popular places not intervened in the conflict.
Руководство парка Горького прояснило обстоятельства смерти 25-летнего блогера

The massacre of 25-year-old blogger Stanislav by Duminy perpetrated in Gorky Park in mid-August, has stirred up the public. Be far from good company don’t like to look a man, recently moved to Moscow from St. Petersburg. Pridralis to the appearance of man, the thugs beat him. Stanislav Dunkin received a severe head injury from which he later died. Beaten for appearance blogger Stas Dunkin died in Moscow

Indignant citizens began to blame in the tragedy of the leadership of the popular vacation spots, which, in their opinion, cannot provide security of Muscovites and guests of the capital. The administration of Gorky Park has been forced to give an official comment about the incident, in which he stressed that the incident only lasted a few seconds, and none of the witnesses reported the security guard about the incident.

“On the night of 13 Aug at 00:53 in the area Pushkin embankment in Gorky Park there was a conflict, in which 25-year-old Stanislav Dunkin received a severe head injury, – is spoken in the official message on the site of Gorky Park. The incident lasted 11 seconds. At 01:03 ambulance arrived at the scene. She was hospitalized the victim in the presence of the national Park come from Large fields, where he assisted another ambulance hospitalization visitor who injured his leg. Although the conflict happened in front of a dozen visitors to the Park, no one told the guards about the reasons of hospitalization…

…Just the CCTV cameras were able to fix the conflict. The relevant data is transferred to law enforcement agencies. Unfortunately, a little more than a week after the incident, Stanislav Dunkin died in hospital. The whole team of the Park condolences to relatives and friends of the deceased. We call on all to treat it appropriately. That’s a real big tragedy, and not blasphemous sensation”.

Meanwhile, the discussion on this shocking story still does not subside. In the microblog Stas Dumkina people continue to write words of condolence and grief addressed to the parents of the deceased boy. Citizens are outraged that the killers of the young man is still not found.

To speak about the incident and personalities. So, stylist Vlad Lisovets urged the public to keep the story under control and back to it until then, until the criminals will be punished to the fullest extent. Stanislav Dunkin was a friend of one of your friends Vlad Lisovets.

“I appeal to anyone who looks, as we say, mod. Despite his status and popularity, I myself faced with such, though I try not to use public transport. Guys, please be careful, take care of yourself and don’t give up! I’m your example! Me and beaten, and mocked, and even took in the ‘ 90s, the police in Moscow over the appearance, but I continue not to be sullen ground. Be careful, remember that you have loved ones, parents, those you really need. It hurts me that I live in such a society. I offer my sincere condolences to the family and friends of 25-year-old boy, who did not return. Speaking to the media, to the authorities. Please do not leave without attention to this horrible story. Andrey Malakhov, I know you can, I never asked, but we must speak. Say-write about it! And be kind,” wrote Vlad Lisovets in the microblog.