Григорий Лепс запретил сыну заниматься музыкой
In the family of musician there is a strict discipline.

Григорий Лепс запретил сыну заниматься музыкой

Grigory Leps


Son Of Gregory Ivan


Strict upbringing and discipline reign in the family of Grigory Leps. For example, a musician tries to isolate his son Ivan from the world of show business. “Another musician in the family I will not survive, and if the son still sing, kicked him out of the house, — says the artist. Let is what he wants, not the music — if anything, I’ll find him a hobby to you”.

By the way, this year in the lives of Vanya, was one of the most memorable in the life events, the boy went to the first class. Training is given to the son of the actor very easily. First, he helps older sister Nicole, who this year is finishing primary school. And secondly, for the first academic year, Ivan already knew how to read and write, as well as demonstrating good knowledge of mathematics and English.