Руки загребущие: самые жадные знаки зодиака Some people are happy to part with large sums of money in order to please others. However, others prefer not to waste earned money and wisely spend it on necessary things.
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Greed is a quality that does not make the man. However, the fear to part with money makes people live in constant stress. Some take no pleasure in unnecessary purchases. And, of course, what woman wants to have a greedy husband, who will count every penny spent. Astrologer, psychologist and parapsychologist Sergei lang ranked the most greedy signs of the zodiac.

12th place – Leo

Leo is the most generous sign of all, he feels pleasure when spending money and buying gifts. And such people are a priori can not be greedy – they are willing to pay anything if it will bring joy to others. Rapper Timati not ready to count money, if we are talking about his only daughter Alice. Expensive clothes, trips abroad, toys – artist indulges his beloved heiress. For four years he rented the Pushkin Museum, where the children staged a colorful performance.

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11th place – Taurus

Taurus is willing to give everything for the sake of their family and friends. Those born under this zodiac sign are able to help poor people, to organize holidays for all who need it. Not long ago, Philip accidentally touched the sequins of your dress costume Valeria from the finest fabrics. The artist was so embarrassed, he kept apologizing to a colleague. The singer was amazed that the next day from the king of the domestic pop scene came gift – two gorgeous expensive dresses from high-end boutique.

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10th place – Gemini

The twins love to shop. But spend money wisely and do not suffer shopogolizm. They will never give the latter, indulging their own desires and Intrusive advertising, but this quality only makes them better. Anna Kalashnikova always appears at various events in new outfits. About jewelry artist does not think – she gives off a suitor. Recently, however, Anna prefers more practical gifts that will be useful to her in everyday life.

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9th place – Capricorn

Capricorn knows how to earn and spend. But the accumulation of bothered him – when funds are tight, it can tighten the belt and be mean, but this is temporary. As soon as Capricorn will have money, he will still be generous. The former participant of “House-2” Victoria romanet has recently demonstrated with its purchase and she was able to purchase a cottage in the elite village near Moscow. As it turned out, the girl managed to save, and the rest of the money wants to buy a home in Turkey for his parents.

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8th place – Archer

Sagittarians are generous enough, they know how to please with gifts and surprise. But those born under this sign are spending money, thinking about their own benefit. If they buy something, then you will enjoy. Just to help they do not know. The singer and businessman Emin Agalarov wisely invests earnings in new areas of their interests. Because of their love for the stage he built one of the best concert halls in Moscow and organize a music festival.

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7 – Libra

Scales refer to the money very carefully. They cannot be called greedy or generous. Just they avoid unnecessary spending. Actress Anna Khilkevich tries to earn not only due to his main profession, but also tries his hand at the business not so long ago, she opened a nail Studio.

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6th place – Fish

Pisces spend money and often don’t think about what will happen tomorrow. Representatives of this sign save only for yourself, but not at close. Ksenia Borodina does everything that her family needed. She has worked as a presenter, she has her own brand of clothing, removed in advertising.

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5th place – Aries

Those born under this sign know it, just so they do not spend them. Aries is generous, but you need to show him my love. And on the first date Aries may pay the check 50/50. Sergey Lazarev, who has a three year old Nikita, afraid that the boy may grow up spoiled. The child knows that he will receive the toy only if he deserved it.

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4th place – Cancer

Cancer in terms of money very selfish. First of all to yourself, and only then rest. So to Cancer I bought you something, it takes a lot to ask and a long wait. Star 90s Vadim Kazachenko refused to help his son Philip without a court order of child support. During the first year of life of a boy he had not supported it financially for a baby, but now required by law to contain it.

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3rd place – Aquarius

Man-Aquarius avaricious, but the money he usually is. But the family will live in prosperity, and those born under this sign will never be bankrupt. Comedian Timur Batrutdinov can afford to fly on a private jet and buying expensive cars. However, recently the car of the artist messed up the unknown that is very upset Timur.

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2nd place – Scorpio

Scorpions do not like to spend money, and they can actively defend their point of view. Will they have to beg for something very difficult. The star of the series “Major” Pavel Priluchny admitted that it is very difficult for a long time to choose gifts to his wife, actress Agatha muceniece. Usually he decided on a spontaneous purchase if you see something beautiful, takes it without hesitation.

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1st place – virgin

Virgin the meanest sign of all, but do not forget that they are the leaders among all billionaires. Members of this sign know how to save and earn fabulous sums. Entrepreneur Alisher Usmanov manages one of the largest mining and metallurgical corporations in the country. Last year he was on the 66th place among the world’s richest people. His fortune was estimated at more than $ 15 billion.