Внук Андрея Миронова вырос его копией
25-summer Andrey Udalov walked in the footsteps of a famous grandfather.

Photo: Instagram

The older you become the sole heir of the great actor Andrei Mironov, the more he resembles his famous grandfather. This year Andrew Udalova was 25 years old. He graduated from drama school and is now serving in the Vakhtangov Theatre.

His mother, actress Maria Mironov, occasionally showed pictures of the son in his personal blog. All noticed that he looked very much like Andrei Mironov. But a recent photo that in the rapture published Director Svetlana Druzhinina, finally convinced the public that Andrew — just copy Mironov. Not difficult to guess that it was named in memory of his grandfather. Udalov was born 5 years after the death of Andrei Mironov.

Recently it became known that the heir to the famous family got their first starring role in a movie. As told by Maria Mironova, shooting an ambitious project was launched at the end of this summer. The actress, familiar with the plot, predicts this project a big success, and dreams that after the release of the film on the big screen to Andrew coming glory is not smaller than the one that “fell” nleonardo Di Capriole release of the legendary “Titanic.”

“The first day of shooting! The main role! A huge project! Russian “Titanic”. With God, son! wished Andrei Mironov. — Leonardo DiCaprio will finally send you on a holiday!” With warm regards Mary added to your blog first photo from the set.