Джорджина Родригес публично призналась в любви Криштиану Роналду
Pregnant girlfriend of the famous footballer Georgina Rodriguez wrote him an open letter.

Джорджина Родригес публично призналась в любви Криштиану Роналду

Recall that very soon Georgina Rodriguez gives Cristiano Ronaldo the first joint child. Future girl will be the fourth child in the family of the sportsman. The eldest son of soccer player looks forward to the appearance of sisters.

Джорджина Родригес публично призналась в любви Криштиану Роналду

Recently Ronaldo once again received the most prestigious football award, he was recognized as the best player of the year. Georgina decided to celebrate this day is special and today published a real love letter to Cristiano.

Джорджина Родригес публично призналась в любви Криштиану Роналду

Джорджина Родригес публично призналась в любви Криштиану Роналду

“What a special day! Let’s clink glasses not glasses of alcohol, and your well-deserved trophies. For your perseverance, dedication, your sacrifices and many hours of training! Your life is football, and this is clearly seen on the field. Continue to be so, always strive towards your goals, and I will always be there, supporting you, giving you love, peace and everything you need when you’re home. In good times and bad, because in no other way. We love you and admire you, champion!” – wrote Rodriguez.

Джорджина Родригес публично призналась в любви Криштиану Роналду

Джорджина Родригес публично призналась в любви Криштиану Роналду

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