Джордж Клуни хочет выяснить отношения с папарацци в суде
After the birth of twins to the family of George and Amal Clooney hunting paparazzi.

Джордж Клуни хочет выяснить отношения с папарацци в суде

Babies are born only June 6, but the family of Cluny followed everywhere by reporters. Some time ago the family of the actor captured on holiday in lake Como in Italy.

Some paparazzi even managed to photograph newborn twins Clooney, and their pictures appeared on the cover of the magazine Voici.

“Last week photographers Voici hung on our fence, climbed trees, and in the end, illegally took a picture of our children. And photographers, the magazine and the Agency will be punished to the fullest extent of the law. This requires the safety of our children,” — said the actor.

Clooney was indignant with such behavior of the paparazzi and is not going to leave everything as it is, he wants to sue them in court.

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