Друзья Оуэна Уилсона боятся за его жизнь

Close Hollywood actor Owen Wilson worried that the death of a beloved father of the artist, which was a big blow for him, again put a celebrity into a depression, as it was once was. Moreover, Owen is now in such a depressed state that friends and relatives really worried if he took his own life.

“Owen crushed by the death of his father. He was his whole world, best friend and support. Having lost the closest person on the planet, Owen fell into a terrible depression,” — said the insider.
Robert Wilson, the famous American television producer, father of Owen and his two brothers Luke and Andrew, died may 5 at age 75 after a long battle with Alzheimer’s.
“For me and my brothers he was the biggest inspiration. I really believe that his soul is now always with me,” said Owen’s father’s funeral.
Recall that a famous actor had already attempted suicide. So, in 2007, he decided to commit suicide by overdosing on pills and having cut up his wrists. The reason for the suicide was a break with a colleague and sweetheart Kate Hudson. Fortunately, he was able to save the doctors at the hospital in Santa Monica.
“Now we’re all behind it is necessary to watch closely,” said a friend of Owen.