Экс-адвокат Марии Максаковой сообщил о наличии договора, в котором прописаны условия проживание ее детей
Over the last few months has been simmering scandal around the name of Opera singer Maria Maksakova.

Экс-адвокат Марии Максаковой сообщил о наличии договора, в котором прописаны условия проживание ее детей

Customer murderers of her husband Denis Boronenkov found the former husband of the singer Vladimir Turina. Maria’s children live with the father that bothers her.

Экс-адвокат Марии Максаковой сообщил о наличии договора, в котором прописаны условия проживание ее детей

“May 7, 2017 it has signed an agreement under which the primary residence of the minor children shall be the place of residence of the father. This happened a month and a half after the murder Boronenkov. She would give the fiend, who is suspected of a crime, their children? What I say is the absolute truth. She knows it,” – says the former lawyer of the singer and her ex-husband, Alexander Vershinin.

We will remind that Maria Maksakova has admitted that the older children don’t want even to communicate about the ex-wife, the singer expressed only negatively.

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