Первая жена Кержакова считает, что Милана села на «очень опасные качели»
Ekaterina Safronova sharply expressed in the address of the second wife of a football player.

Первая жена Кержакова считает, что Милана села на «очень опасные качели»

Alexander and Milan Kerzhakova

Photo: Instagram.com

First wife of Alexander Kerzhakov Catherine
Safronov appealed to journalists to bring to Milan Kerzhakova
the information that she does not want to have anything to do with it. Moreover, do not want to get involved in family squabbles football player and his second wife. According to
the ex-wife of an athlete, which he also, like Milan, took her son, she
blocked all contacts Milana, as it believes that communication with Kerzhakova not
will lead to anything good.

Первая жена Кержакова считает, что Милана села на «очень опасные качели»

Alexander Kerzhakov won the “match” his wife, not leaving the field

“I have from this family have arms and legs shaking, —
shared Catherine mk.ru.
— I don’t feel only one mention of the names Kiriakovich,
yesterday’s eye is twitching from all these stories. I can’t convey to
them that I’m fine, everything is fine. Maybe you will succeed? I
they write that I’m a PR at their expense them. What is PR? Just leave me
peace. Milan in every interview pulls me away”.

Catherine sincerely did not understand why
family conflict had to make to the public. In her opinion, not
want to wash dirty linen in public. “Milan is a strange girl, she writes on the network
first one thing, then says another. Tomorrow she will probably say that himself
agreed. She sat down on the dangerous swings — sure Safronov. — It is now
everywhere says he was trying to help me win child. Truth in it
words there. But here there are nuances. She tried to help me after a few
years after Kerzhakov took my son. At the time it happened
the disorder in the family, Sasha sent her, she was left alone, and suddenly remembered about me
I decided to help. Then we met. So a loud statement that she
covered that supposedly was constantly asked Sasha to give me back the child looks
ugly, dishonest”.

Первая жена Кержакова считает, что Милана села на «очень опасные качели»

Alain Vodonaeva: “Whoever wanted to marry Kerzhakov? Do not change your mind?”

Первая жена Кержакова считает, что Милана села на «очень опасные качели»

Alexander Kerzhakov and Catherine Safronov

Photo: Instagram.com

Safronov also says he continues to fight for his son, but
wants to do “everything right” that the boy was not injured. “Kerzhakov limited
my communication with my son — says Ekaterina. He never gives me to meet
child. But I never stopped fighting. Just now I am in waiting
position. Pull son for one meeting it will be wrong on my part. I
I want this to be officially signed and recorded. I hope
there will come a time when my interactions with my son will be regular. My
a family tragedy will be resolved. There is hope. We still have to wait a bit. Now
in the family Kiriakovich a huge problem If I have to get, nothing good comes out
this will not work. Use my child will not bring it.It was a long time
you will need to explain to his son that aunt came, and for this you need to meeting
held on a regular basis. Honestly, I didn’t want to get into
scandal Milana and Sasha. I’m raising daughters, one of whom goes to school,
viewing the social network, her classmates are discussing. If Kerzhakov don’t think
about children, I think about them in the first place”.

Milan Kerzhakov son

Photo: Instagram.com