Фигура постройневшей Анфисы Чеховой потрясла фанатов
The TV presenter got a personal photographer on vacation.

Фигура постройневшей Анфисы Чеховой потрясла фанатов

Anfisa Chekhova

Recently with Anfisa Chekhova
the family went to rest in Greece. General description the hotel is one of the most
picturesque resorts, Anfisa hastened to don the swimsuit and demonstrate
fans of the slender figure.

Incidentally, it is noticeable
postroynevshaya Anfisa flew on vacation with a personal photographer. They became her four year old son, Solomon. The boy tried his unusual role for the first time, however, the result greatly pleased the mother. “Oh, Gods, the son learned me
to photograph! Now he is calm
life will not!” — story by Chekhov.

Son Anfisa Chekhova — Solomon

Meanwhile, the rest of Anfisa went immediately after the filming of a new TV program about Georgia. Chekhov with her husband, Guram Bablishvili steel co-host a show on the travel, which will tell the audience about the traditions of a mountainous country. Many fans were pleasantly surprised that Chekhov during the drive through Georgia not only gained extra weight due to treats gostepriimny local residents, but failed to significantly postroynet. By the way, not long ago, the TV presenter won the award for achievements in sports. As you know, recently Anfisa is engaged in physical activity even on vacation. So, while traveling in Bali, it sure started my day with yoga.

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