Любимая телеведущая: первое интервью Татьяны Митковой за 15 лет The journalist refused to talk to the press for a long time. Recently, however, she decided to talk to one of the publications, in an interview with the star which esters have shared some details of his personal life, told how the relationship with his son and grandson.

      Любимая телеведущая: первое интервью Татьяны Митковой за 15 лет

      Tatyana Mitkova has disappeared from TV screens a few years ago and almost did not appear in the frame. The leading position occupied by the famous host of the NTV doesn’t allow her to give comments on a particular issue because she is newsworthy.

      Tatiana Mitkova returns to the airwaves

      The journalist believes that at the moment there’s an alternative television sources of information.

      “I can’t say that I feel very comfortable as a member of the television process. Of course, TV is part of our media. But I think this is the part which is every day losing its influence,” said Tatiana.

      According to the leader, now many, as well as herself, get their news from the Internet.

      Despite the fact that for a long time Tatyana refused to give interview, this time she decided to tell about loved ones. She stated that the family never told her to quit her job and start doing something else. However, Mitkov not going to give up what has devoted almost 30 years of his life. To quickly regain strength and be in a good mood, Mitkov sports.

      “I weekdays, twice a week I play tennis at eight in the morning. And weekend play. And now even Alpine skiing, even opened the season at the weekend — at Moscow, certainly” – shared Mitkov in an interview.
      Любимая телеведущая: первое интервью Татьяны Митковой за 15 лет

      Speaking of family, the reporter noted that the never pressured the son, and did not require him to follow suit. It was of the opinion that the heir must decide for himself which path to choose. She tries to educate a grandson by the same system. Tatiana became a grandmother almost nine years ago, but never reported it to the public. Mitkov spends with the boy a lot of time, and on his birthday preparing a surprise. Family go to skiing in the Krasnodar region.

      Tatiana confessed, “TV Program” that does not want to impose his grandson, as he is still too early to think seriously about the future.

      “Seva was on TV, he likes everything. But he like many things, so we’ll see. Let a man knows this world. When you’re nine years on one thing and obsess, I don’t think that’s right. Only if it’s superpowers, and it is clear that this can be linked to the whole of life. I never to anything his son did not push, so grandson won’t either. I wish he just grew versatile, decent, good man,” – said TV presenter.