Фанаты переживают за здоровье жутко располневшей Татьяны Догилевой
Recently, the Network appeared the photographs, which depicted the well-known actress Tatyana Dogileva, but its appearance has alarmed fans of the stars.

Фанаты переживают за здоровье жутко располневшей Татьяны Догилевой

Tatiana scored a lot of extra pounds, fans are wondering what may be the cause of such a sudden weight gain. Many Internet users began to worry for her health, considering that overweight is associated with some disease.

Фанаты переживают за здоровье жутко располневшей Татьяны Догилевой

“I didn’t recognize Tatiana from the first time”, “is it Me or is she fat?”, “Why is she so bad looking?”, “Dogileva has changed so much!” – angry fans.

Replying to the journalists, Tatiana confirmed that recovered, but admitted that he felt fine, and she is doing well.

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