Фанаты Ксении Бородиной в восторге от сходства Теоны с отцом Husband teledive Kurban Omarov shared a touching picture to Instagram. The frame where Ksenia Borodina holds little Theon on his hands, provoked a lot of controversy. Members long to decide who went girl.

      For the life of the family the undisputed leading “House-2” watched by several million Internet users. A rare photo where you can see the facial features of the successor Ksenia Borodina appeared in the microblog Kurban Omarov.

      The followers are unable to keep the emotion from what he saw and left under the post hundreds of messages with arguments on who is still like a girl. “Definitely daddy’s profile! Look the same,” “Daddy. Sure dad”, “mini-Maru! Just only one in a less,” “brother like”, “wow. Of course, mom and Maruska like Thea”, “shows a copy of the Pope”, “Guys, what you are arguing is the spitting image of Eid, Today finally showed the baby. On the pictures you can see that the girl was the spitting image of dad. Pretty, your cheeks are so sweet,” wrote the Network.

      Black-and-white photograph baby Thea gently touches the mother, and the woman holds her hands and smiles. Itself Ksenia is dressed in a t-shirt with a beloved nickname – Zima. It should be noted that the head of the family really adores children. The businessman admitted that he used was very different, and change it could it Borodin.

      “Of course, I conscientiously burning their youth. Was not the best example for many. Always at the point of attack, always in the pool with his head. And now look at my family and realize that all the past values of the dust of the road. Ksenia is the one who can tame the one who looked into the woods do not feed much,” he shared with fans on Eid.

      In a sign of his love for the birthday presenter man gave her a diamond bracelet for four million rubles. In addition to the expensive gift, he gave wife a fun celebration. At the celebration there were a few dozen of the closest friends of the couple. In one of the elite restaurants of Moscow guests were served seafood: oysters, lobster, lobster. A sumptuous dinner cost about a million.

      Ksenia Borodina celebrated a birthday

      At the festival many appreciated the gentle dance of lovers. Borodin shared with subscribers video. “But from what you pairs: that talk the whole dance or silent? We here all the time talking. And most importantly, dancing is the wrong leg to put to the whole “Instagram” look how cool I am dance or sexy ass to spin, but a state of mind at this moment. Not a fake picture, and true emotions are what should be”, – has signed a video telediva.