Фанаты обеспокоены здоровьем маленькой дочери Степана Меньщикова
Recently the ex-wife of Stepan Menschikova Eugene was forced to worry subscribers for the well-being of a young daughter, Barbara.

Фанаты обеспокоены здоровьем маленькой дочери Степана Меньщикова

A young mother told me that for the past four days is the heir in the hospital and is very worried about her health.

Фанаты обеспокоены здоровьем маленькой дочери Степана Меньщикова

“Suddenly out of the blue after a walk started cramping type of muscle spasm – that would, of course, never see or encounter! The child is completely disconnected convulses! I had never encountered before and never seen this. The doctors say that infants have sometimes such a reaction on temperature. The first time we were not. However, we found the SARS virus, developed a fever, and she repeated convulsions!” – said the woman.

Currently the little girl is feeling much better, Eugene said that the temperature was already asleep.

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