ЭКСКЛЮЗИВ! Юлия Барановская стала владелицей боксерского клуба
The presenter shared his impressions of the new work.

ЭКСКЛЮЗИВ! Юлия Барановская стала владелицей боксерского клуба

Julia Baranovskaya

Photo: Elizabeth Karpushkina

ЭКСКЛЮЗИВ! Юлия Барановская стала владелицей боксерского клуба

Alexander Gordon

Photo: Elizabeth Karpushkina

Yulia Baranovskaya became the owner of fashionable Boxing club
in Moscow. “How I feel in this role? Calmly and confidently, how they should
feel the hostess of this club, — said the TV presenter, his new
work — role in the film Alexander Gordon “Uncle Sasha”. In this Comedy with almost
Chekhov’s name Baranovskaya played the owner of a sports institution. To
the role, though a cameo, the star was preparing with seriousness and
responsibility, it is her debut as an actress.

“I came to the set almost ladder
aircraft — shared Julia. — Vacationing in London. All for the sake of role in the film
Alexander Gordon slashed its guests. Arrived from England late at night
the day before filming. Even things do not understand — put the suitcases and immediately went
on the platform where you had to be early in the morning. By the way, ironically,
my close friend living in England, not so long ago became the host of Boxing
club’s. This circumstance I have used. Visited her company,
looked, how it all works, watched friend. I needed it,
to prepare for the role.”

Alexander Gordon said that the words Baranovskaya that he
I have long wanted to use her in the film — the truth. “Why I wanted to shoot Julia? Yes.
though, because we’re shooting a Comedy, and Julia very funny looks in the frame,
— said the Director. She plays a cameo role, itself, but, so to speak,
extended version”. The role of Gordon has been created especially for the presenter. In
in this case, it was not difficult, because Alexander himself wrote the screenplay for
«uncle Sasha.»

ЭКСКЛЮЗИВ! Юлия Барановская стала владелицей боксерского клуба

Julia Baranovskaya

Photo: Elizabeth Karpushkina

ЭКСКЛЮЗИВ! Юлия Барановская стала владелицей боксерского клуба

Sergei Puskepalis, Alexander Gordon

Photo: Elizabeth Karpushkina

By the way, in the Comedy Gordon debuted as a screenwriter. Exactly
so Gordon is easily handled with some complications arising in the course of
work on the film. Originally, the scene in the Boxing club, where the main character —
Director-Sasha —come to find the actor (Sergei Puskepalis), it was not.
“We planned that my character (Gordon plays uncle Sasha), will come to an agreement
with the character Puskepalis about the new work for the premiere of the film, said
Alexander. I wanted to shoot the scene on a real social event in one of the
the capital’s cinemas. But since the film takes place in the summer, and not
in winter, this idea had to be abandoned. Because now in the movie theaters Metropolitan
ladies come in fur coats… as a result, I wrote a new scene. It is even more
suitable character Sergei. In the story, this actor, who played many roles, and already
a little disappointed in the profession, but at the same time, a real fighter. So his training
the box perfectly fit into the image of Puskepalis”.

Sergey Puskepalis

Photo: Elizabeth Karpushkina

The actor, after a series of blows from a professional boxer,
said that actually he and this sport is very difficult
relations. “When I was a teenager, went to fight — recalled Sergei. — In
the next room was doing the boxers. One day I decided, why not try
to do Boxing, too? Came to class. At the first training session got
a serious blow to the jaw, and more on the Boxing didn’t go”. However, the story of
did not prevent Sergey masterfully execute a series of strikes.

Shooting period of the film is almost completed, in the last
weekend rented one of the last scenes of the picture. Comedy “Uncle Sasha”, almost Chekhovian, which is required to have a gun, which, as you know, should shoot. This is the story of a tired Director,
which is surrounded by relatives, acquaintances, friends, actors, and in the midst of all of the
people he most acutely feels the loneliness. But the film is not a tragedy
and not drama, it’s misanthropic Comedy about the people who already did not see or hear
each other. In the words
Alexander Gordon, in the film the viewer will not only see the grotesque features
the Director himself, which he is not proud of, but also finds out himself. Main
roles performed: Alexander Gordon, Olga Yakovleva, Anna Saliva, Agniya Kuznetsova, Nikita Efremov and Sergey Puskepalis.