Эммануил Виторган перестал скрывать новорожденную дочку
The news of the birth of Emmanuel Vitorgan daughter was a complete surprise for his fans.

Эммануил Виторган перестал скрывать новорожденную дочку

Many condemned spouses because they decided to become parents in old age. In the transmission of “Hello, Andrew!” there were shots in which you can see the girl’s face.

Эммануил Виторган перестал скрывать новорожденную дочку

“Of course, I understand all of that when my daughter starts school, I will already be 80, and when he wants to marry me will be more than a hundred years. But is it important? I have a lot of years were not so happy. It is an incredible experience, and the age of the parents in this case are not important. The important thing is that on light there was a new man. How about this, you can gloat? Now I have a better incentive to stay healthy,” admits Vitorgan.

Young mother is also outraged many criticism, she doesn’t understand, how can you not rejoice in the birth of a new man.

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