Елизавета II рассказала о тайнике, где она прятала бриллианты
The Queen admitted that barely survived her own coronation.

Елизавета II рассказала о тайнике, где она прятала бриллианты

Queen Elizabeth II


Recently Elizabeth II
for the first time in an interview that she gave for a documentary,
dedicated to the 65th anniversary of her reign, told interesting details
of his coronation. Moreover, the Queen managed to fairly impress the interviewer. After all, the question of what memories she had left on
the ceremony, Elizabeth replied : “It was horrible!”

Journey through the pavement in a heavy Golden carriage, with
very hard “suspension” horse-drawn, seemed to her endless. And
when she left the crew, then it was worth the enormous effort even just
to stay on his feet — because of her ceremonial dress, embroidered with silver, and many
pearls were incredibly heavy. In
some point when she had to climb another rung, Elizabeth
it seemed that she would not be able to do it. But bringing in a fist his will, she
‘ve moved on, while trying, to “keep the smile”.

But perhaps the biggest challenge was for the 27-year-old at the time
Elizabeth her crown. The fact that the main attribute of the ceremony, the crown of her father
George VI was
extremely heavy – it weighed more than two kilograms. “When I bent over
forward to read his speech, it seemed to me that now I have a break
neck…” — says Elizabeth. It is curious that Elizabeth decided to talk about
his past torments only now, when she was already 91 years she had of age to be abandoned
from wearing the crown, even on the most important
events now are on a special cushion.

Interestingly, as it turned out, during the Second World war, when the British feared invasion of Hitler’s troops, all
gems from the Crown of the British Empire were removed and hidden in a special
the cache. All outsiders thought all this time that they were taken in Wales,
whether does the ocean — to Canada. But as it turned out, the diamonds and the famous ruby of the Black Prince
stayed at Windsor Castle. They were neatly stacked in a tin box
the cookie and hidden in a secret niche in the wall.