Экс-участница «Дома-2» решилась на работу в эскорте из-за финансовых проблем Ales Klochko admitted, what he did before the project. The girl explained why she had to plunge into the environment of providing such services. Plus, she revealed some intimate details of a turbulent past.

Ales Klochko, former participant of “House-2” told reporters that pushed her to go to work in escort. According to the girl, her before father died. When the girl was 12 years old, my mother decided to build a personal life separate from her daughter.

“In my childhood I lacked focus, and I decided to be independent. At the age of 17 left home and provide for myself,” admitted Ales.

The girl told me that when he arrived in Moscow, she had many problems and not enough money. So she decided to settle in one of the agencies providing escort services. “At first it was disgust, but then I began to see it as their job. Of course, it happened that I spent nights with men who are unpleasant to me physically,” said Klochko.

“But when you need to earn money does not smell” – said the ex-participant of the TV show.

Klochko added that consisted in a civil marriage. After a year of living together Union dissolved. According to ex-member of telestroke it to her husband she experienced the most intense feelings. Ex-lover and prefer to experiment in intimate relationships.

“For example, once engaged in “magic” on the beach, in the water. Was close to the people, but this extreme only fueled our passion,” said Ales.

In the meadow she tried postdate pair with Nikita Shlykovym, but in these respects she did not have enough diversity and experimentation. Ales also admitted that the man she is attracted to the smell.

“But Chalukov I was attracted to some inner charisma, courage, energy,” said Klochko.

The girl admitted that they never changed partners, even though she is willing to accept the betrayal of the beloved. At the end of the interview Ales revealed another secret.

“My first choice was two times my age: I was 20 and he was 40. In intimate terms, he taught me a lot and gave invaluable experience and confidence,” – said Ales Klochko portal dom2life.ru.