Екатерина Климова и Гела Месхи показали детям сказку
The couple attended the premiere of the new film with johnny Depp.

Ekaterina Klimova and her husband, Gela Meskhi and son Matthew

Photo: “7 Days”

The capital hosted a special screening of the new film James
Frame “Alice in Wonderland”. View
on the incomparable johnny Depp in the image of the Mad Hatter and MIA Wasikowski in
the image of the legendary Alice came many celebrities, of course, with children.

Most attention was attracted by the family of Ekaterina Klimova: the actress arrived
for the premiere in the company of her husband Gela Meskhi. The company spouses were kids:
Catherine’s sons Matthew and Roots, as well as daughter Elizabeth. Younger daughter Bella
Klimova decided to leave the house. Guests of the premiere noted that Catherine, who
October last year became a mother for the fourth time, looks like a supermodel!
In addition to beautiful physical form of the actress, the audience noted that she literally
glows with happiness next to her beloved husband, who, apparently, perfectly
along with her older children.

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