Екатерина Андреева терпит боль ради красоты Famous TV presenter revealed the truth about plastic. In recognition of Ekaterina Andreeva, she engages in only one procedure. A celebrity can not imagine my life without acupuncture. The woman showed how her visit to a medical professional.

TV presenter Ekaterina Andreeva is an active user of “Instagram”. Recently, a woman decided to show her followers a visit to the beauty salon. The video, which appeared in the microblog of Catherine, she is a cosmetic procedure. The celebrity face “decorates” a large number of needles. These actions allow you to rejuvenate and revitalize the skin.

Filming themselves on video, Andreev could not resist the comments about your appearance.

“I look like a porcupine. Know what pleases me? Then it will be better. You know, this could be done only by a man. My male doctor… the Process of extraction of the needles is not less entertaining, it’s like the joke about the goat. Get a goat, live with it, and then give it back. So relieved, happy right. There is happiness,” says the TV star in a short video.

In addition, the celebrity published a post in which he told about his trip to a specialist in the field of beauty. “This is our doctor Igor Nikolayevich response to all the bullshit about the plastic, Botox and other things. My 300 needles, like the 300 Spartans, guarding my face from talking about lying. The doctor and Igor, as king Leonidas: said – did. Protected my skin and muscles. In our case, all survived, tea, not in Sparta 491 BC, and in Russia and Chinese secrets know. Mosaic face – to secrecy not to disclose. The author’s technique, patented and repeat it, no one can, but try to Snitch could,” said Catherine.

Fans Andreeva was amazed at her endurance, as not everyone is able to endure pain for the sake of youth. “Wow”, “the Spectacle is not for the faint of heart. But the main thing – the result. And he, as stated on the face. Blush you stunning!”, “You are an example to all women. God, I admire you”, “Super”, “Judging by the way Catherine looks, the effect is definitely there”, “You’re amazing,” was discussed by users of social networks.

Previously, Ekaterina Andreeva, admitted to “StarHit” that prefers to live a healthy lifestyle. Star is trying to follow a diet and don’t forget about physical training. Another secret Catherine is in a good mood. “Proper nutrition, exercise, understanding that depression is a terrible sin. I really understand that” – these words Andreeva answered the question about their struggle with stress. Ekaterina Andreeva: “In our family the husband is neat, and I’m a mess”