Ефим Шифрин рассказал, как пережил горе Famous actor found the strength not to give up. Fans know Efim Shifrin as an artist, which can’t stop smiling. However, he had no time to survive the turmoil.

      Ефим Шифрин рассказал, как пережил горе

      Efim Shifrin has been bringing full sold out concerts and performances with his participation. Audiences across the country love artist and ask him as soon as possible to return to their city. Signature smile Yefim is not coming from his mouth, when there beloved fans. But an optimistic image of the actor does not always coincide with his true feelings.

      In recognition Shifrin, over the years, he began to resemble his father, in whose soul a place of optimism always took will and stubborn disagreement with destiny. One of the most talented Russian actors had experienced in life with the real test. So, Yefim bravely endured grief, when did not his mother.

      “I had no plans to grow old in front of their parents: I understand that they are not eternal – the wish to live to be 120 and now annoying me with their deceit,” says Shifrin. – I well remember how the news that her mother passed away. Databses in hysterics on the floor, I’m already intently scrubbed this floor. I brought an apartment in such an order that to me it failed to bring any cleaner”.

      Interestingly, to cope with everyday adversities Yefim, oddly enough, helps the sport. Artist about bodybuilding. The workout appeared in the artist’s life, when she was already in a Mature age. However, they helped Shifrin to develop willpower and resilience.

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      “In a minute, when our driver informed me about the theft that happened in our garage, where my team kept the most necessary and important things for work, I held the phone between shoulder and cheek, and his right hand was preparing the gym bag, not knowing that the way is already going to the gym, which for any price would not change that,” says Yefim in his microblog.

      By the way, hobby artist – bodybuilding – brings him not only pleasure but also success. So, seven years after the scenes began to train at the age of 44 years, he received a statuette of “Mr. Fitness” and a little later an honorary diploma of the Moscow Federation of bodybuilding (IFBB). Fans, especially female fans, delighted with the appearance of your favorite actor.

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