Эд Вествик, которого недавно обвинили в изнасиловании, сыграет свадьбу
A few days ago two girls pushed hard accusations against the famous actor ed Westwick, who was loved by the audience after the filming of the TV series “Gossip girl.”

Эд Вествик, которого недавно обвинили в изнасиловании, сыграет свадьбу

According to the girls, the young man had raped them. Ed is outraged by such accusations and denies this information.

Эд Вествик, которого недавно обвинили в изнасиловании, сыграет свадьбу

“Me discouraged and upset, as a result of two publications of false and unverified stories, there are people who believe in my connection with these vile and terrible events. I already cooperate with people that will clear my name from this story as soon as possible”, — admitted the actor.

Now for ed the most important is the imminent wedding with his beloved Jessica Sefarty, with whom he got engaged a few weeks ago.

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