Из-за поведения Ольги Бузовой разразился серьезный скандал
Since then, as Olga Buzova became friends with Philip Kirkorov, she picked up a virus star-struck.

Из-за поведения Ольги Бузовой разразился серьезный скандал

The story of the “pink blouse” , which took place many years ago, Philip Kirkorov remember now, but the wise Philip made the findings and more in such an unpleasant scandal did not fall. But his new girlfriend Olga Buzova, feeling like a star, happy to be rude to journalists.

Из-за поведения Ольги Бузовой разразился серьезный скандал

Not long ago, Olga Buzova was on the red carpet next to the popular journalist and new Yuri Dude.

Now Yuri knows sports (he’s a sports journalist”, the readers of GQ magazine (he spent two years in a row becomes the owner of the statuettes in various categories), and those who watch his inspiring interview on the network.

Из-за поведения Ольги Бузовой разразился серьезный скандал

But, it seems that she does not belong to any of these categories, and the question of the journalist of TV channel “Yu+” Alina Alice about him, answered that he did not know who it is. When Alina tried to remind Buzova who is this Dude, she just accused the journalist of incompetence and advised to gain practice.

Don’t know who this Dude is, probably, Ola forgivable – he’s not Philip, but why just to be rude.

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