Дрейк вступился за Тэйлор Свифт перед Канье Вестом

Friend reported, Drake’s friend, rapper and TV stars personally asked them to stop persecuting country singer and forget about the incident a few months ago.

Recall that Kanye asked swift for permission to mention her in his song, Taylor thanked him for the honor, but asked to listen to the song before release, to make arrangements. In the end, Kanye released the song without agreeing it with swift, he had a reason – in the song he calls her “bitch”. Taylor was taken aback by this and stated publicly that she did not give consent, in response to this, Kim posted an audiotape on which swift gives his specie. Before the court case came, the singer decided not to mess with these people, but the West still can not forget about it and continue to Troll Taylor. So, during the September concert the crowd of fans chanted the rapper during his concert “F*ck Taylor Swift”, and the Kanye seemed to even enjoy it.
“Drake no romantic feelings for Taylor I would say. He treats her as a younger sister. Drake texted Kanye and asked him to be nice to the swift, but it is not known, read and West,” said the insider. View, will the intercession of Drake on the behavior of Vesta.