Дмитрий Дюжев рассказал Корчевникову о романе с Жанной Фриске
The actor gave the broadcaster an extremely candid interview

Дмитрий Дюжев рассказал Корчевникову о романе с Жанной Фриске

Dmitry Dyuzhev

Photo: PhotoXpress.ru

He gave a very Frank interview, coming to
the Studio of the program “the Destiny of man with the YouTube Korchevnikov”. The actor told the TV host about a family tragedy, the novel with
Zhanna Friske and the recent unpleasant incident with Dmitry

The actor remembered that when he was treated kindly by glory
after his debut in the TV series “Brigada” in his life have been a number of
the tragic events. Speaking of that, Dyuzhev could not hold back the tears. Happened
so, in 24 years, he became an orphan. Leukaemia got sick of it
twelve-year-old sister, who later died. After dad left, and after him the mother
Dyuzheva. “I knew about the illness of his sister, it was leukemia, said
Dyuzhev. The parents arrived in Moscow to try to cure, they lived
with her in the cancer center. I was in the third year. Money
treatment was looking for father. My children, I do not tell about the aunt they never
saw. The father could not calm down after the death of Anastasia, he cried, drank,
lost, froze to death on the grave of my sister. He couldn’t deal with the grief,
one of the anniversary of the death of Anastasia, he opened his veins”. The father is so distraught that Dmitri began to fear
for the life of the mother. So when dad celebrity died, the first time Dyuzhev
used to be a relief. “When mom called and said dad died, she
they began to rejoice. I for it was afraid, I was afraid that my father something with it
will. “Mommy, thank God you’re alive” — I told her about the tomb of my father,” recalls
actor. Unfortunately, soon died and the mother of Dmitri. Dyuzhev admits that
feel incredibly lonely and this loneliness of the actor saved
future wife Tatiana Zaitseva.

Дмитрий Дюжев рассказал Корчевникову о романе с Жанной Фриске

Boris Korchevnikov

Photo: PhotoXpress.ru

Дмитрий Дюжев рассказал Корчевникову о романе с Жанной Фриске

Zhanna Friske

Photo: Mark Steinbock

Dmitry Dyuzhev about the scandal at the airport: “My words have been distorted and perverted”

In addition to the history of his family, he very candidly told
about the novels that were in his life before I met Tatiana. It turned out that
the actor had a relationship with Jeanne Friske. “Gannik…She is a wonder of nature, it here’s how
this photo. Never sad, had a feeling that as if she
never had a problem. We had a short period of time. Once met,
we had a few mind-blowing days. It was worth more happiness
than I do. And she wished it,” shared the actor.

At the end of the program Dmitry once again explained the meaning of his
an interview with Latvian channel, in which he spoke about the misunderstanding that occurred with him in
airport. Dmitri decided that he was jealous fans. According to the artist,
Russian audiences love to feel sorry for the stars, I want to see them in sorrow and happiness and
joy celebrities do not forgive.