Директор «Современника» оправдал неадекватное поведение Михаила Ефремова The theatre has released an official statement about what happened in Samara. Recently, the Network appeared information about rudeness on the part of Mikhail Efremov, who reportedly came on stage drunk and swore at the audience. Fellow artists understand the incident.
Директор «Современника» оправдал неадекватное поведение Михаила Ефремова

Tours of the theater “Sovremennik” in Samara held with the scandal. First, in social networks there is negative feedback from the audience, and then this information reprinted in the press. Some residents were troubled by the behavior of Michael Ephraim, who played a major role in the play “don’t be a stranger” on the play “the homecoming” by the English playwright Harold Pinter, winner of the Nobel prize. According to them, the actor appeared on stage of Opera and ballet Theater in a state of intoxication. It was reported that Efremov allowed myself to use foul language, and delayed the beginning of production for half an hour.

A drunk Mikhail Efremov coated Mat of the audience from the stage

On the website of the cultural institutions have an official statement about the tour in Samara. In connection with resonance, which caused the arrival of the theater in this city, its representatives decided to clarify the rumors that Efremov has abused alcohol and allowed myself to disregard the rules of decency. In this situation understand, the Director “the Contemporary” Igor Popov. He stressed that in Samara showed two performances of “don’t be a stranger” and “Five evenings”. To the last statement, no one had critical comments.

“From my point of view, the main mistake was to carry on a tour of the new, not yet fully fledged performance. Premiere of “don’t be a stranger” was held in Moscow in January of this year, a month and a half ago. Besides, this particular production requires serious training audience, preliminary work with the public, during which it would be explained what kind of work they will see”, – said the head of cultural institutions.
Директор «Современника» оправдал неадекватное поведение Михаила Ефремова

Popov said that staff took his colleagues, the company, the press service of the theater has not been working on the preparation of the audience to unusual production.

“The poster of the play made for Samara, was placed a close-up of Michael Ephraim in the image of his character max is a very old man, also not-very-nice. Thus we tried to understand what to expect from the show the appearance of Michael in the usual way funny and charming man is not worth it, – said the Director of “Sovremennik”. – Unfortunately, this was not enough, and the guilt of theatre I in this case do not deny. But the audience obviously was expecting something completely different”.

Another reason for the emergence of negative reviews Igor Popov said a poorly chosen location for the production. “The stage of any Opera house – not the best space to display dramatic performances,” he said. The head of the cultural institution said that because of the characteristics of the room it was hard to hear the actors, even though they tried to submit text “as loud as you can”.

“The physical impossibility to hear all that is said on stage, coupled with unfamiliar complex play and eccentric figure role, has caused excitement in the auditorium and numerous, not always friendly, replica, urging the actors to speak louder. This prompted Mikhail Yefremov to answer the cries from the audience, and to do it not from myself personally, and the way his character of max, the character, as I said, unpleasant. Of course, an experienced artist should not have to do that. It is sad that Mikhail Olegovich failed to cope with this situation,” – said Popov.

The theater Director added that despite all the difficulties, the performance took place and was adopted by “a significant part of the audience”. Behalf of themselves and their colleagues Igor Popov also expressed regret in connection with the incident in Samara.

According to rumors, the appearance on the stage in the Samara Opera and ballet Theatre Mikhail Efremov received 2.5 million rubles. The documents attesting to this, was a FAN. The representatives of “Contemporary” has not commented on this information.