Дочь Спартака Мишулина рассказала о связи отца с консьержкой Daughter and widow, people’s artist said that the woman hides the illegitimate heir of an actor, worked as a janitor in the house of the actor. Karina Mishulina conducted an investigation and found out who is the mother of Timur Eremeeva.
Дочь Спартака Мишулина рассказала о связи отца с консьержкой

Now the daughter of Spartaka Mishulina Karina defends the honor of his father in court. The heiress filed a lawsuit, accusing Timur Eremeeva in public insult and defamation. The reason was an interview with a young man on one of the talk show where he called himself the son of the famous actor.

According to the daughter Mishulina, mother of Timur Tatiana Eremeeva from 2000 to 2002, he worked vahtershey, and worked as a cleaner in a cooperative house in Mayakovskaya, where the actor lived with his family.

“When my mom showed a picture of mom Timur Eremeeva, we immediately recognized in her the clipboard lady of our house. We remember Tanya — short in stature, very active, in those years the red-haired. She was 46 years old. Why Timur hides the fact: who and where his mother does not understand. May fears that all will be revealed then? We contacted the commandant of our home, she also remembers Yeremeyev, has confirmed that she got to work on her own without patronage. Say retired since found similar work in another house — better paid,” – said Karina reporters.
Дочь Спартака Мишулина рассказала о связи отца с консьержкой

In the words of Mishulin, if the famous actor and the Concierge struck up a romance, the artist never allowed his mistress to work as a cleaner. Also Karina remembered and other details from the past.

“If Yeremeyev was the mistress of people’s artist, he would rather have her in costume theater suit, and not a cleaner and vahtershey into the entrance under the “supervision” of his wife and daughter. By the way, now I understand where they may have a copy of the play, which Timur brought to the “Let them talk”. Dad went to the doorman to make photocopies. It is possible that asked to make two copies of the Tanya, and she, say, made three. Why, however, is not clear. We have a small cooperative odnopodezdny house, where everyone knew each other — nobody noticed the “special relationship” between the watchman and the people’s artist Mishulina,” – said the daughter of Spartaka Mishulina.

Дочь Спартака Мишулина рассказала о связи отца с консьержкой

Also Karina remembered how once the Concierge Tatiana asked Spartaka Mishulina to help her son with his studies in drama school. “We had no idea that this Timur. Remember it she is talented. Dad is confused: “I don’t teach, but think.” Came home and my mother said: “Look, Vladimir Korenev is taking its course in theatre — call him.” Korenevo dad calls and says: so and so, they say, is the boy able and take. In the end, the Pope said Tatiana Eremeeva, the guy came to Korenevo, and he took it. That’s the whole story! We would sooner have thought, if I saw a photo of Tatiana Eremeeva and knew who it was,” said Mishulina in an interview with “TV”. The actress really wants to meet Tatiana Eremeeva, to ask why she’s lying. Karina said that the Concierge got a flat on rent from one of the grandmothers, courted. Housing was not a gift from the people’s artist, says Timur.