Дочь Спартака Мишулина судится с предполагаемым сыном своего отца
The heiress of Spartaka Mishulina filed a lawsuit, accusing the actor of Timur’s administration of lies and slander.

Дочь Спартака Мишулина судится с предполагаемым сыном своего отца

The reason for this action was an interview with a young man, in which he called himself the son of a famous actor. Daughter Mishulina recognized that the mother of Timur worked as the clipboard lady in the house where they lived with the whole family.

“When my mom showed a picture of mom Timur Eremeeva, we immediately recognized in her the clipboard lady of our house. We remember Tanya — short in stature, very active, in those years the red-haired. She was 46 years old. Why Timur hides the fact: who and where his mother does not understand. May fears that all will be revealed then? We contacted the commandant of our home, she also remembers Yeremeyev, has confirmed that she got to work on her own without patronage. Say retired since found similar work in another house — a better paying” – shared with journalists the girl.

Karina believes that if between her father and the clipboard lady would be a connection, then the actor would not allow his mistress to work as a janitor.

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