Дочь Майкла Джексона искренне надеется стать примером для подражания
Recently 19-year-old heir to the famous Michael Jackson Paris spoke with reporters and openly answered their questions.

Дочь Майкла Джексона искренне надеется стать примером для подражания

According to the girl, now she is most of the time tries to pay charity. And according to most Paris, she wants to be a role model.

Дочь Майкла Джексона искренне надеется стать примером для подражания

“I would like to become a role model that the parents are watching with their children. Of course, I’m not perfect, but I think it’s important to show others that I use like all the others. I am the same person, and all around, and I think this is important,” — said the girl.

Of course to do this she needs to stop publishing Nude photos, which collect a large number of critical remarks about Paris.

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