Дочь Кончаловского и Толкалиной раскрыла секрет похудения на 30 кг Just a year Masha has changed beyond recognition. In a recent interview with the heiress love Tolkalina and Yegor Konchalovsky told about how she managed to lose weight. The girl controlled their diet and exercise.
Дочь Кончаловского и Толкалиной раскрыла секрет похудения на 30 кг

39-year-old Lyubov Tolkalina and her 16-year-old daughter Masha gave a joint interview to journalists. Girl studying in 10th class Krasnoselskaya Lyceum. In the future the successor of the famous actress and Yegor Konchalovsky wants to do in the arts faculty or the Academy of arts named after Repin in St. Petersburg. Tolkalina not protest against the decision of the daughter. According to women, Masha has abilities that need to be developed.

Дочь Кончаловского и Толкалиной раскрыла секрет похудения на 30 кг“She has an artistic gift is a great relatives Surikov and Konchalovsky through her waving to us from time immemorial, jokes Love. – I bring Masha to his work – in addition to lectures, performances, master-classes in our theatre “the Cathedral” there is a club for teenagers “18. Minus. Comprehension”. Undertaking it, I was thinking solely about Mary. I wish children came together and learned to talk on those topics that interest them”.
Дочь Кончаловского и Толкалиной раскрыла секрет похудения на 30 кг

Just a year Masha significantly lost weight. Reporters learned from the girls the secret of her phenomenal weight loss. The daughter of Director and actress admitted that beginning to monitor your diet and devote time to physical exercise. According to Masha, the main thing is willpower.

“At first it was proper nutrition and sports, then different diets. Actually I just wanted and lost weight. There is nothing in this. That’s how much I’m lazy and flabby, but dropped about 30 pounds. Nice, is any person under force, just had a strong desire. Not to say that it was daunting,” said the girl.

Lyubov Tolkalina noted that trying to follow the diet daughter. Like any mother, the actress worried about the heiress. “I’m trying to feed the baby, literally from the spoon. Make her eat at least a piece of casserole. Traded. For the money,” said the celebrity.

Despite the fact that Mary’s parents have separated, they communicate regularly. Yegor Konchalovsky continues to participate in the education of her daughter. About parting Tolkalina and Director became known in early January 2016. The actress shared some important news on the Facebook page. Later it turned out that Tolkalina and Director have parted a few years ago, but was in no hurry to share with the public the details of his personal life. In a recent interview with the magazine Hello! Love spoke about what motivated her to make an official statement. As it turned out, the actress has learned about pregnancy of the new lady Konchalovsky took this step for her.