Дарья Пынзарь учит женщин «раскручивать» ухажеров на подарки The star of “House-2” shares the secrets with the fans. Daria Pynzar started a video blog to talk about their observations. Thanks to his life experience, she realized that helps it to maintain the perfect relationship.
Дарья Пынзарь учит женщин «раскручивать» ухажеров на подарки

Stars “House-2” Daria Pynzar Sergey are a model for many of the participants of the famous electroni. Through the project, they were able to create a family. For seven years of marriage, the couple demonstrate the perfect relationship. They raise two children Artem and David. Apparently, Daria decided that it was time to transfer knowledge about how to keep love for years to come.

Pynzar shared with fans a new video in the vlog that she is on the Youtube channel. She talked about the five mistakes that some of the girls in dealing with the opposite sex. The star of the reality show described that can irritate men and gave useful recommendations that will suit both married ladies, and dreaming about the wedding ladies.

“You came for a young man, possibly your future husband. And now, you open the fridge and there’s only a carrot. So make of this carrot carpaccio of carrots. And then your future husband will appreciate you and love you”, – says Daria, but wouldn’t share the recipe.

Also Pynzar sees the success of women in their ability to quickly assemble a date. She admitted that she is not always able to find time for hair and makeup, but it is not a reason to move a meeting. Daria found a way out of this situation – tying hair in a spectacular tail, and 10 minutes manages to emphasize with makeup all the advantages of her appearance.

Eks-the participant “Houses-2” could not ignore the use of gadgets during a meeting with a man. It considers tactless constantly distracted by alerts and check social networks.

“Remove the phone and communicate with your companion because live chat is always better,” says the reality star.

Another way to Express love to the man Pynzar believes the ability to provide support. In her opinion, the girl should not be criticize and discuss the beloved. Moreover, she teaches to appreciate the attention of the chosen one. Husband of Darya Pynzar forces her to follow the figure

“Rejoice in the gifts from their beloved men, says the star of “House-2″. Even if he gave some garbage you’ll never use it, it will be so nice that next time he will give a lot more and with great pleasure, because he will know that you will appreciate”.