Дэниел Рэдклифф рассказал, как победил алкоголизм

He was and is a childhood idol for many. It was dreamed to be like millions of children around the world, because of the recent recognize Danil Radcliffe that he had an addiction to alcohol, surprised, even shocked, many.

Now the problem with dependence on alcohol for the role of boy wizard Harry Potter behind. In a recent interview, the actor has decided to speak openly about how difficult he was given this fight with a green snake.

Radcliffe admits that the beginning of his pernicious habit put sudden popularity after the release of the film series “Harry Potter”.

“I’m one of those people who change dramatically, they should drink. I turned into another person, but I can’t say what – I don’t remember, it’s like chaos. At one point I got tired of getting 20 messages this morning: “Where are you, man? Are you all right?“ I decided to quit drinking, and it was very difficult for me, I’m constantly frustrated. But when I went on a five-hour walk, I realized that while I do sports, I don’t want to drink alcohol. Realizing this, I began daily going to the gym and train hard. Here 3 years I don’t drink alcohol“, – said Radcliffe.

In fact, in this case Daniel, you can applaud that he was able to say no to addictive in itself the problem. Who knows, maybe complex situation on-to another, the actor could join the infamous 27 club.


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